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How Private Investigators Use Social Media for Investigations

Social Media Investigations - Private Investigator

From LinkedIn to Twitter, Facebook to YouTube, and Instagram to TikTok, social media has become a part of our daily lives. But what many people don't realize is that every post, comment, and like - it's all a digital footprint that can be used to build a profile of an individual. And for private investigators, social media is a wealth of information and is a goldmine.

Social Media Investigations have become a powerful tool for private investigators in today's digital age, with over 3 billion people using social media worldwide. It's likely that your subject is active on at least one platform, leaving a digital footprint for you to follow. In this article (part 4 in a series), we'll reveal the high-tech tactics used by today's private investigators to locate people and expose our most closely-guarded secrets. Have you ever tried to find someone on a social media platform and hit a dead end? We'll also explain how we use FamilyTreeNow to assist us with social media searches.

Social Media has been a game-changer for private investigators, from tracking down long-lost family members to uncovering crucial evidence in legal cases. But what happens when your subject has gone dark on social media or uses an alias to hide their identity? That's where our private investigator's cutting-edge techniques and a little-known tool called come into play.

Common Names

Social media searches can be challenging, especially when dealing with common names. Take John Smith, for example. Searching for him on Facebook can yield thousands of results, and adding a city to the search might not be enough to narrow down the search. That's where our team's expertise comes in. One of our tricks is to use, a powerful people search tool, to locate John Smith's relatives and associates. From there, we can search for his relatives on Facebook and then expand our search to their friends list to find the right, John Smith. With our methods, we can overcome the hurdles of common names and other difficulties to conduct thorough social media investigations.

Going Private

When someone sets their social media profile to private, gathering information about them online can be difficult. FamilyTreeNow comes into use again. By searching for the subject's relatives or associates on the site, we can often find social media accounts of family or friends that are not set to private. This allows us to search through family members’ accounts, often finding photos or other postings of the subject that can be extremely helpful. 

Using an Alias

Another challenge in social media investigations is when subjects use aliases or fake names to create their social media accounts. This can make it difficult to track down their online activity and connections. However, at Salt Lake Investigations, we use FamilyTreeNow to our advantage. By locating the subject's family members through this resource, we can search through their profiles for any potential connections to the subject, even if they are using a fake name. This allows us to build a more comprehensive understanding of the subject's online activity and connections.

At Salt Lake Investigations, we have the skills and resources to conduct thorough social media investigations that can help you uncover the information you need. Whether you're looking for a long-lost family member, trying to track down a potential business partner, or investigating a case, we can help you navigate the complex world of social media to find the answers you're looking for. And if you're concerned about your own online security, we also offer a free Personal Online Security Audit to help you understand your potential exposure and threat levels. So, contact Salt Lake Investigations today if you need help with a social media investigation or want to learn more about protecting your online privacy.